Colleen has a B.A. in Anthropology and an MBA, both from Cornell University. She has worked in Corporate America for Ford Motor Company, Wells Fargo, and Sanofi-Aventis Pharmaceuticals. In her spare time, when she's not blogging or taking care of the kiddies, she loves to go for a run, escape with a fabulous book, or spend time in the outdoors with her husband.
Not to mention... she's one of my (Audrey) best friend's! I'm so excited to be featuring Colleen today!
1. What one word best describes your current state of mind?
2. What TV household does your family most resemble?
a. Brady Bunch
b. All in the Family
c. Brothers & Sisters
d. Army Wives
e. The Good Wife
f. Other: _______
None of the below.... although I'm never good at popular culture references. We're just the classic family. Two Kids. 1 girl 1 boy. All we're missing is the white picket fence!
3. What term or phrase do you most overuse?
I totally over use the word Totally. Isn't that fabulous? And yes fabulous is another word I totally overuse.
4. What are the five things/items you think that new moms (parents) can’t do without (sanity savers)?
1. The Internet (it's your connection to the outside world!)
2. DVD's - as long as you don't over use the free entertainment it really will be a massive sanity saver in the years to come!
3. A good nursing Bra
4. Puffs. Will keep toddlers busy in the stroller. And hey if Moms wants a snack she can eat almost a whole jar and only consume 25 calories!
5. the Snack trap
5. Holiday pictures – best tips for getting kids to pose vs. fighting, making faces, running away?
Pass on that appointment at the Mall or witha photographer. Go with photos at home. Under the tree, by the fireplace, or outdoors in your backyard with the Winter landscape as a backdrop. You can schedule on your time table that works with potential cranky toddlers or unpredictable preschoolers. Plus, they'll be in an environment that makes them comfortable. With today's awesome digital cameras that let us take pics at home again and again until we get the perfect shot, this saves money and is easier and less stressful on the kids & Mom!
6. What songs and/or books have worked best for bedtime?
Goodnight Moon, Kitten's First Full Moon, Imagine a Night - gorgeous pictures!
7. How many miles (of driving duty) have you logged in the past week?
Hardly any! I've only been to the Pediatrician! The week started out with Kid #1 getting sick and now near the end of the week Kid #2 has succumb to our latest bout of illness. I feel housebound. Hopefully, someday when the kids are older I'll be complaining about the constant shuttling to and fro and wishing for my housebound days with cuddly cozy toddlers.
8. One thing you want for yourself this holiday season?
I'd love a Kindle.
9. What celebrity best describes your personal style?
a. Jennifer Garner
b. Sarah Jessica Parker
c. Nicole Richie
d. Gwen Stefani
e. Angelina Jolie
f. Victoria Beckham
Jennifer Garner. Although, I'm not sure if I pull it off! I've totally loved her for years since she 1st started in Alias and before she was a mega star.
10. Best parenting resource(s) you would recommend?
1. For Pregnancy and new Moms: Baby Center are two fo my favorite Baby and Parenting related websites. As for books for Moms to be and New Moms, I highly recommend Pregnancy Week by Week: To keep track of your every step of your pregnancy. Can I recommend my own website? Lots of cool product finds if you like to shop for tots, kids, or Mom!
2. The Baby Book by Dr Sears: A super resource for every worry or health concern a new Mom might have about their child from birth to 2 years.
3. Healthy Habits, Healthy Sleep: For those new parents who are just discovering what it means to be sleep deprived and wondering how to figure out their baby's schedule or how to get their infant to nap or sleep, this book is a wonderful resource of tips to help parents recognize the tired signals. It also offers a middle of the road approach to setting a babies schedule that I think fits most lifestyles and is a happy balance of being neither to strict as far as sticking to routine nor too easy going as far as letting the baby rule the roost.
11. Follow me on twitter:
12. Current projects that have you engaged and excited:
Super excited to have just participated in a large toy drive for Toys for Tots with local Philly area Mom bloggers and Moms. I'm loving bringing the blogging and online connections with Moms & companies into real life events. I'm also hoping to write a book! I just need to find a publisher!
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