Totsy would like to congratulate, Adela Santana from Fresno, CA for becoming Totsy’s 1st Mom of the Week Winner. Her story was so inspirational and we would love to share Adela’s story.
“After having tried for 6 years to become a mom with my previous partner, our relationship broke down when I found out he was having an affair with a woman many years my junior. I thought that was it for my mommy dreams--I was 38 years old and newly separated. Unexpectedly, I found a kindred spirit in an old friend from graduate school, who had just been asked for a divorce by his wife of 12 years. Sharing feelings, hopes and dreams, we fell in love and I am happily now a mom of 2 fabulous stepchildren, ages 6 and 9, and a beautiful baby boy born on July 18, 2010! I am all happiness. My life is complete!”
1. How many children do you have?
· I have 2 step kids: Sean (6 yrs old) and Lilly (9 yrs old). On July 18th I gave birth to my first baby, a boy who we named Mateo (you can see him cheekily sticking out his tongue as he poses with me in the photo)
2. What's one thing you can't live without (besides your family)?
· My camera. I always document our everyday existence, not just major events in our lives. Sometimes the best memories occur at the most unexpected times. It is amazing to be able to capture them on film and re-live them in the future.
3. What's your favorite beauty item of all time?
· Lip-gloss. I cant live without it. Even on days when I wear no make-up, I must put on some lip-gloss. I have been fond of Kiehl’s lip-gloss for at least a decade! It is the only personal item I keep in my diaper bag!
4. What's your go-to fashion item?
· Ankle high-heeled boots. I love them and have at least 3 favorite pairs that I wear all the time.
5. What's been your favorite trend of all?
· I love 80’s fashion. I was an adolescent in the 1980’s and really enjoyed the imaginativeness and authenticity that characterized the fashion of the times. So I must say that I still enjoy wearing skinny jeans with leg warmers and have a closet full of flared mini skirts reminiscent of the 80’s rah rah skirts.
6. What's one fashion/beauty item you'll never touch? And why?
· I am horrified by tanning beds and/or fake tans. Even when I lived in London, England, I would rather be as pallid as an english raised than sport that orange, carcinogenic look.
7. TV shows you must tune into each week?
· I love TV series, but I particularly love watching all of the episodes in a series straight, once it is out on DVD. Right now I am really hooked on Dexter, Season 4.
8. Website you absolutely much check out daily?
· I used to check Facebook on a daily basis, although since the birth of Mateo my internet habits have radically changed! I now have an online baby book for Mateo at where I am uploading photos, videos and stories to share with family and loved ones. I access it every day, adding new stuff and looking through Mateo’s old (!) photos and videos from when he was a newborn.
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