thredUp is one of them. It's genius for moms. With 4 sons, I can appreciate and will absolutely USE thredUP.

thredUP is where moms (and dads!) can exchange boxes of clothes that no longer fit their kids for stylish ones that will. Plain and simple. Say good-bye to trying to organize a clothing swap with your girlfriends. Say good-bye to the bags of clothes that you are "going to out online to sell." Say good-bye to all the busy work. thredUP coordinates the swaps among a group of your closest friends or connect you with thousands of families nationwide. All the swaps are done online, they even offer scheduled home pick-up and delivery. Talk about making it uber-easy... they are!
With my 4 sons, I am constantly going through rotations of clothes. They outgrow things like weeds! It never ceases to amaze me. I started buying new stuff for my younger guys - Ben and Henry (even with 4 boys!) -because I didn't want everything to be hand-me-downs from their older brothers. So right now, I have tons of clothing... with nobody to wear it. When I first heard of thredUP... I was just blown away by the practicality of it... and not only that, they make it easy for us to give the clothing away (and then receive stuff back!). It's just amazing. Affordable. Practical. And fashionable. Doesn't get much better than that!
Constantly buying clothing for your kids gets expensive. Did you know that kids grow out of a set of new clothes every 6 months? That by age 17, kids have outgrown over 1,300 items and parents have spent nearly $20,000 on their clothing? Quadruple that for me. Oh, man...

So literally - these are the easy steps:
Pick. Pay. Prepare and Send.
· Pick a box of gently used clothes you’d love to receive for your child.
· Pay for shipping
· Prepare and list a box of clothes your child has outgrown
· When someone picks your box, send it free of charge
So the only money out of your pocket is paying for shipping on the clothing chose to pick. They manage the quality control and review process and take care of all the details to make sure you get a quality exchange.
it's an invitation-only site - use Mom Generations code for invite.
They have a Company BLOG.
They have a Kid's BLOG.
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