Danielle may just be one of the most successful mom bloggers we know. The savvy mama started the Celebrity Baby Blog in 2004. She spent a few years following the bumps of the A-listers when People Mag/Time Inc. took notices and snatched up the site. Did the sale send Danielle into retirement. Nope. She's still super active in social networking (she's a tweeter extraordinaire) and recently became a Certified Lactation Counselor. She's one of the most generous mom media experts we know.
1. What one word best describes your current state of mind?
Frazzled! Our son Asher was born November 20th and we're trying to acclimate to being a family of four now. There are no time outs for mama and dada since one of us always has a kid. I don't know how single moms or parents of multiple kids do it (like Audrey!) because these two are kicking our butts.
2. What TV household does your family most resemble?
a. Brady Bunch
b. All in the Family
c. Brothers & Sisters
d. Army Wives
e. The Good Wife

Well, we're definitely not the Brady Bunch or All in the Family and I'm not familiar with these other shows since I pretty much only watch criminal justice and forensic science shows like Law & Order, Bones, CSI, etc. and we're definitely not like those families!
3. What term or phrase do you most overuse?
I definitely overuse "definitely."
4. What are the five things/items you think that new moms (parents) can’t do without (sanity savers)?
1. Sling or baby carrier - I love our BabyHawk Mei Tai and Hotsling pouch but lately I've been using the Baby Bjorn Synergy and Cybex 2.go carriers a lot lately.
2. Swaddling blanket - we're getting a lot of use out of our Swaddle Designs and Aden + Anais blankets. Asher's starting to wrestle his way out of them so I think we'll transition to sleep blankets soon like Halo's Sleep Sacks and Gro-Bags (just ordered one from Amazon).
3. White noise machine or other recording. The White Noise app on my iPhone calms Asher in the car or at home when nothing else works. It's the best $2 I've ever spent. In his room, we have Graco's Sweet Slumber Sound Machine which is one of the least expensive white noise machines I've come across plus it has nature and womb sounds too (my favorite).
4 Nursing pads - if you're breastfeeding like I am, there's a tendency to leak like crazy in the beginning. I'm using the Lansinoh disposable ones which I like because they're super thin. Because I hate to add more crap to landfills, I occasionally use Bravado's cloth pads but since I've got such an oversupply I frequently leak through them.
5 Gowns for the baby - Since breastfed babies poop A LOT you're always changing diapers. I was getting so sick of unsnapping and resnapping the crotch on the footie sleepers so now we keep Asher in the gowns whenever they're clean. Unfortunately they ride up (like nightgowns) so I put BabyLegs legwarmers on to keep his legs from getting too cold.
BONUS I'd like to put a plug in for cloth diapers. We used disposables exclusively with Anya but I really wanted to try cloth with Asher but was skeptical that they would be way too much work -- they really aren't. I just dump the whole load in the machine along with the cloth wipes and don't touch any poop because breastfed poop is water soluble. I actually look forward to washing them every few days because they're so cute and soft. My favorites so far are the Bum Genius All-in-Ones, Thirsties Duo Pockets & Happy Heinys Pockets.
5. Cabin Fever relief-tips to entertain the kids during the frigid months?
Craft projects (I get them at Michael's and Target) and a Roku Player/Netflix membership! Anya also loves creating Mii characters on our Wii -- she would do it all day long if we let her. It's not even a game!
6. What songs and/or books have worked best for bedtime?
Anya listens to the Wonder Pets soundtrack every night when she goes to bed.
7. How many miles (of driving duty) have you logged in the past week?
Very little because my husband has been driving our daughter to/from school since our son was born 2 months ago and since I was on modified bedrest during my pregnancy.
8. Any resolutions for 2010?
To use my iphone less when I'm with my kids and really be with them. It's something Marcia Cross told me she does- to be with her children fully, not talking on her phone or texting.
9. What celebrity best describes your personal style?
a. Jennifer Garner
b. Sarah Jessica Parker
c. Nicole Richie
d. Gwen Stefani
e. Angelina Jolie
f. Victoria Beckham
Jennifer Garner because she's so casual and slightly sporty. She's the closest a celeb mom may come to your typical suburban SAHM so I think a lot of moms identify with her style and I'm no different!
10. Best parenting resource(s) you would recommend?
Kellymom.com is the absolute best web resource for breastfeeding moms. I also love Alphamom.com versus the way-too-mainstream Babycenter. Mothering.com also has some fabulous forums.
11. Follow me on twitter: @that_danielle
12. Current projects that have you engaged and excited:
Besides having my son in November and completing our family (yes, two is IT for us!), in October I fulfilled a dream I've had since having my daughter and became a certified lactation counselor. It is my passion to help women learn more about how important breastfeeding is and to help them achieve their goals. I have been helping moms on twitter and will be helping moms in my area.
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