Stacie Haight Connerty, is the mother of three children, lives in Atlanta plus is a nationally published writer/author/editor for a variety of magazines, blogs and online publications. She just has her own blog called The Divine Miss Mommy where you can find the latest products reviewed, fabulous giveaways and stories about her family. And she's the amazing Beauty and Fashion editor at Type-A Mom.
I have been a fan of Stacie for awhile now! We met for the first time (for real) this past summer at BlogHer - and then at the T.J.Maxx sponsored trip in Boston, MA immediately following BlogHer. She's funny and witty and smart and just an amazing, amazing woman! I am so excited to feature her on Totsy today!
What one word best describes your current state of mind?
Frazzled. I am always behind and playing catch up.
What TV household does your family most resemble?
Brady Bunch - we even live in the Brady Bunch house (everyone calls it that)
What term or phrase do you most overuse?
I say "absolutely" a lot but I overuse a lot of terms. I am a very passionate person so there are things that I say all of the time.
What are the five things/items you think that new moms (parents) can’t do without (sanity savers)?
Babysitter (just someone that you feel comfortable leaving your child with)
Time Outs (for Mom & Dad)
Pacifier (for Baby and Vodka for the Parents pacifier)
Great, Stylish diaper that carries everything
A Good Breast Pump (this can give you so much freedom)
Family photos – best tips for getting kids to pose vs. fighting, making faces, running away?
We have phrases that the kids say instead of cheese that always brings a smile. A lot of times they say "Cheese Marble Pizza." Sometimes we make things up and it almost always makes them laugh. The other day we said "Daddy has stinky feet" and I got some great shots of them laughing.
My other tip is not go for poses. My most favorite pictures of my kids are not posed. They are just candid shots from a time when I grabbed the camera and started shooting.
What songs and/or books have worked best for bedtime?
We have been doing kid yoga the past several weeks and my kids are loving it. It is really fun and different.
How many miles (of driving duty) have you logged in the past week?
I have been pretty lucky this past week. My husband takes the kids to school every day and I pick them up in carpool plus one trip to my sisters house so around 50 miles.
One thing you want for yourself this year?
I started a great weight loss program last year and I want to continue it this year. It is more about changing my lifestyle and being around a little longer to annoy my children.
What celebrity best describes your personal style?
Angelina Jolie - but only the black, yoga pants, monotone colors, dark sunglasses wearing version of her.
Best parenting resource you would recommend?
Online mom's forums. I found a local one and it literally saved my sanity after the birth of my son. I could ask question at any time and get great answers. I also found fabulous play groups and made some really amazing friends.
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Current projects that have you engaged and excited:
Last year I co-founded The Product Review Place and it has really taken off. One of our goals is to really help out new bloggers when it comes to review. Everything from pitch letters to writing a good review. It is really fun and a great place.