Jenn's 4-week European trip has been so inspiring to read about! She got such a great sense of the people, the culture and the fashion. I was so excited when Jenn told me she was going to document her trip through some posts for Totsy. It's been such an incredible treat! Here's another post from Jenn... all about Children's Boutiques in Paris!
Walking the streets of Paris I was amazed by how many pregnant women I saw. Not that there isn’t your fair share of pregnant women walking the streets of New York but they were coming by the dozens in Paris. I was only into my second day there and I had already counted 35 (Yes I counted, it was overwhelming!)
My hotel was in the center of Saint Germain, a very nice area in Paris. Everywhere I walked I saw tons and tons of boutiques’ catering to either babies or maternity. Having my own extraordinary obsession with baby clothing and babies in general, I kept a sharp eye out for cute, little children’s boutiques. I even took a few pictures and walked into every one I saw.
Here is a little synopsis of the best children’s stores in Paris:
• C de C, founded by Cordélia de Castellane, she uses fresh designs that are economically priced while combining old-fashioned elegance with modern simplicity-very eye catching.
• Molli has beautiful hand-knitted baby outfits.
• L’Oiseau de Paradis is great for traditional toys. (Perfect baby gifts!) • Marie Laure has the most beautiful hand-embroidered christening gowns.
• Jacadi is idyll for representing Paris chic (clothes, accessories, and linens) but at great prices. • Petit Bateau is classic for pajamas and underwear.
Designer Mariu De Andreis wanted to create clothing for chic and fashionable Parisians to dress their kids in. The mini creations are those in which stylish Parisians could even see themselves wearing, however, sizes only range from newborns to 12 years old.
Zef clothes exemplify the perfect French bobo (bourgeois-bohème) look for kids’ clothing. Each collection displays classical sophistication using the best quality fabrics, elegant patterns, with a hint of ethnicity.
Here is where to find them:

TroiZenfantS was established in 2004 when fashion designer Valerie Herbet met model Virginie de Gemini. At this time, they were collectively mothers of 3 children (concludes the meaning behind their brand name). Both women found it difficult to buy original, affordable and easy to wear children's clothing. To solve this problem, TroiZenfantS was created. Each collection focuses on creativity, fabric quality and maintaining competitive costs. They offer a Baby Line: 3-24 months and their Kids Line ranges from 2 to 12 years old.
To shop and learn more visit their website:

In 1992, the concept of Charabia was created by Lena Henriksson-Barenton, a Swedish woman’s fashion stylist and Eric Barenton, a Parisian advertising agent. Together they launched the idea of a children’s boutique that catered to gift collections for newborns.
Today, Charabia has expanded their target markets to ages 0-12 years old and is one of the best high-end, specialty boutiques in more than 15 countries.
To shop for the perfect baby gift: visit their e-boutique here:

In 1975, Marie-France Cohen was inspired to create children’s clothing with “savior-faire” and a modern point of view. This new vision brought smart, chic, stylish designs that were amplified by the use of color, cuts and fabrics. Size range from Newborn: 0-12 months, Baby 3-24 months, and Girl/Boy: 3-12 years.
Bonpoint also has individual stores for all their categories—one for girls, boys and one just for shoes! The clothing is reasonably priced; displaying an assortment of colors, classic materials, and a bit of French cheerfulness.
Bonpoint continues to grow globally while also launching their own online boutique to share with their customers.
With so many cute choices to choose…it’s no wonder the Paris women are booming! ;-)