Bloggy Moms is a phenomenal destination for moms online. I am a HUGE fan! I recently had the opportunity to ask Tiffany Noth, founder of Bloggy Moms, some questions about her amazing site.
Tell me a little about yourself...
I am a 30 year old stay-at-home mother of two {and wife} who has always had a love affair with the online world. I am a home-educator and we live in Liberty, Indiana..... a very small town.1. When did you start blogging?I've been "blogging" and "logging" my life ever since my parents gave me my first computer in 1996. I was immediately drawn to the connections I could make through early social networks and instant messaging such as mIRC and ICQ.
I don't believe the term "blog" was even around when I first began creating websites {through outlets such as angelfire} and logging my thoughts and activities. I'm sure no one from my high school is at all surprised I'm still sitting in front of a computer.
As I entered new stages of life: college, marriage, parenthood... my websites/blogs changed a long with the new era...
Now being a mother, I can't imagine I'll ever be in any other niche besides mommy blogging.
2. What made you start blogging?I didn't realize I was "blogging" when I began my infatuation with the computer and the online world. I had something to say and what better platform to say it than to the entire world through a website. I actually have so much to say that i have a notebook dedicated to the posts I have not yet had time to write!
3. Why was it important for you to create Bloggy Moms?
Bloggy Moms came about in an effort to support and provide resources for mommy bloggers {especially those new to the world of blogging or looking to branch out}.
I want to provide information and help to those who maybe don't know how to connect with other moms online or don't understand what terms such as "meme" mean.
I get a little sad when I find a fantastic mom blog and realize it hasn't been updated in months or even years. Most of all I want to reach out to mommy bloggers and to provide community, help moms connect and not see each other as rivals in the blog world.
4. What do you want other blogging moms to walk away with from your site?I want them to find the resources they were looking to find as well as information they didn't even know existed. I want them to find community and make connections with other mommy bloggers.
5. What's been the best thing you've discovered about blogging?"I'm not alone" is the best thing I have found about blogging. I had stepped away from it for nearly a year when my daughter was first born... I was so busy, I thought it best to walk away. One of the best things I have done for myself and my family has been to return to blogging. It is a stress release, it's a connection to other moms who are going through or have gone through what I'm experiencing. Writing in my journal is nice, but it doesn't compare to logging my life online and meeting others moms who are there and know what I'm talking about.